On this page I’d like to share the knowledge about our Universe. Many of us know by now, that most of the knowledge we have
been taught in school, or in Universities, is actually not true. Scientists focus on the material world and ignore the ancient wisdom
However, both, modern science and ancient wisdom, have a common source. They can not be seen as a separate entity. We need to
put them together, in order to understand the true science. Many people call it therefore the “Holy Science”.


Santos Bonnaci

Here you’ll find everything about the Holy Science, Body, Astro Theology and more

Gregg Braden

The true science of Max Planck’s Matrix (the Field)

Johan Oldenkamp PhD

modern Science, Ancient wisdom and the true Source


the electric universe

Dan Winter

the true Human History and DNA


Dr. Leonard Coldwell

the truth about cancer, detox

Dr. Jeff McCombs

Candida detox

Fred vanLiew

Water purifier, EMR & EMF filter

GIN - Global Information Network

The Global Information Network website (private club)

Did you ever wanted to know,
- how to get whatever knowledge you want ?
- how to confirm or “proof” the info on your own ?
- how to overcome every obstacle in your life ?
then this is the Club for you !

May your life never be the same !

Theresa Dale, PhD

Homeopathy & Hormones

David Icke

another aspect to the true Human History

Dr. Masaru Emoto

Water Crystals, the Field

G. Edward Griffin

Cancer, B-17 & Laetrile

Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD


Prof. Fritz A. Popp

DNA, Bio-photons, Biology, Quantum physics

Johan Oldenkamp, PhD - Wholly Science

*.pdf  4.37MB  01-16-2012

Mayan Calendar

the real Mayan Calendar and its purpose


The Global Information Network

Chris Everard / EnigmaTV

the spiritual background of the Aristocracy / EnigmaTV, the best Documentaries

Jay Weidner / Practical Alchemy

Practical Alchemy, the real Elixir of Life

Jay Weidner / Hyperdimensional Alchemy

Hyperdimensional Alchemy, the real flow of the “Field” the “Secret of Secrets”

Gaiam TV

Documentaries about History, Health and much more

the Phi Golden Mean Ratio, Alchemy, Gravity and Life

Dan Winter


